sabato 20 aprile 2013


Definition of Short Term European Paper - Finance dictionary

Short Term European Paper

The Short Term European Paper (STEP) initiative aims to foster the integration of the European Markets for short term Paper through the convergence of Market standards and practices.
The ACI The Financial Markets Association (ACI) and the Fédération Bancaire Européenne (FBE) are the main promoters of the STEP initiative.

STEP relies on STEP Market Convention. The STEP Market Convention lays down the criteria which short-term Paper programmes must fulfil to be STEP compliant and the procedures for granting and withdrawing the STEP label.
The STEP criteria and requirements relate to the disclosure of information, the format for documentation, settlement, and the Provision of data for the Production of STEP statistics.
A STEP label does not relate to the Creditworthiness of issuers or the accuracy of the information provided. In order to obtain and maintain the STEP label for a short term Paper programme, the issuer, the features of the programme and the Notes issued under the programme must comply with the requirements of the Convention, including its Annexes.For more see www.step which provided us with this definition. 

Short Term European Paper
The Short Term European Paper (STEP) initiative aims to foster the integration of the European Markets for short term Paper through the convergence of Market standards and practices. The ACI The Financial Markets Association (ACI) and the Fédération Bancaire Européenne (FBE) are the main promoters of the STEP initiative.STEP relies on STEP Market Convention. The STEP Market Convention lays down the criteria which short-term Paper programmes must fulfil to be STEP compliant and the procedures for granting and withdrawing the STEP label. The STEP criteria and requirements relate to the disclosure of information, the format for documentation, settlement, and the Provision of data for the Production of STEP statistics. A STEP label does not relate to the Creditworthiness of issuers or the accuracy of the information provided. In order to obtain and maintain the STEP label for a short term Paper programme, the issuer, the features of the programme and the Notes issued under the programme must comply with the requirements of the Convention, including its Annexes.For more see www.step which provided us with this definition.

To know more about it, look at what we have already written on this subject : 

 Find : Short Term European Paper

Di questo mercato ne hanno parlato abbondantemente sia il DIE WELT sia il WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE (da quello che leggo su WSI  e  Movi Sol).

Data l'importanza dell'argomento, se qualche giornale italiano ne ha parlato, sarei immensamente grato mi fosse segnalato.

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